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Monday, October 29, 2018

A Book Review of “Learning Malware Analysis” by Monnappa KA

In my latest book review, I took on the topic of malware analysis which is not often covered in security books or training centers.  In 2018, Packt Publishing released “Learning Malware Analysis” by Monnappa KA.  Monnappa works for Cisco Systems as an information security investigator focusing on threat intelligence and the investigation of advanced cyber-attacks, he is also a member of the Black Hat review board.

I found “Learning Malware Analysis” to be very informative, easy to read as well as follow, moreover I found the examples in the book easy to replicate which was priceless.  Many times in the examples associated with books, the labs never quit work out as stated and you are left trying to figure out that went wrong.  When Monnappa introduced a concept, he would define it and follow it up with an example or analogy to help the reader obtain a stronger comprehension.  If fact, throughout the whole book, he would end a paragraph, concept or idea with the term “for example” or “for instance”.  This was something I appreciated very much as some of the concepts can be uncharted territory even for the seasoned security practitioner.

Read more here -

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